Website: | |
Phone numbers: | +7 (495) |
Fax: | +7 (495) |
Place of business: | 13 Bolshoy Kislovsky Per, Moscow, Russia 125009 |
Office 1 | 13 Bolshoy Kislovsky Per, Moscow, Russia 125009 |
Office 2 | Vozdvizhenka Str, 4/7, Bld 1, Moscow, Russia 125009 |
Office in the UK | Moscow Exchange International Ltd 1 King Street, London EC2V 8AU Tel +44 20371 315 22 |
Media: | |
Investors and analysts: | |
Issuers: | |
Listing: | |
Technical support: | |
Supervisory Board |
Moscow Exchange (the “Exchange”) declares that the information contained in the Annual Report is accurate as of 31 December 2021. All provisions of the Annual Report, which in one way or another reflect the Exchange’s plans, shall be considered without regard to events occurring after the reporting date (31 December 2021).
The Exchange does not assume any liabilities with regard to the information stated in this Annual report not related to the reporting period.
This Annual Report has been prepared by PJSC Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS (“Moscow Exchange”, “the Exchange” or “MOEX”).
It reviews the consolidated performance in 2021 of the Group, which is comprised of PJSC Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS and its subsidiaries, including NCO CJSC National Settlement Depository (“NSD”), JSC Bank National Clearing Centre(“NCC”), and JSC National Mercantile Exchange (“NAMEX”).
Information in this report has been consolidated in accordance with Bank of Russia Instruction No 714-P of 27 March 2020 and the Bank of Russia Corporate Governance Code of 2014 and GRI G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.